Sunday, April 13, 2014

Rhymes of the Politically Insane

They speak and they write in this language they've made
A game will keep going as long as it's played

"We'll use lots of words they will not comprehend 
And keep adding pages so they can't find the end"

They're shaven and slippery and shiny it's true
They all speak a language not suited for you

They think that the truth is a slap on the hand
With laws made to follow but not understand

This bureaucratic language so fluently used
Is riddled with deception and often abused

The reason it's confusing is simple you see
So I'll hire someone to read it for me

From volumes of jargon in mountains of books
From the wealthiest well dressed arrogant crooks

The truth is the simplest thing to neglect
As soon as it's gone you'll get no respect

Wealthy and greedy with not much between
A reflection of honesty has yet to be seen

What's right and what's wrong can be all the same
In the riddles and rhymes of the politically insane...

Copyright 2014
Archie Papa...

Illustration by Alex Hahn

We Share

The love that we show to our family and friends
Warms each heart to which it extends 

Finding a way to show that you care
Will guide the lost from the depths of despair

From just a smile or a simple hello
The magic of kindness begins to flow

In all I have been and all I will be
I'll show the love that was shown to me

Take what's been given and don't be afraid
From love and from kindness, friendship is made

Flowing like a river to the ocean shore
We share our love because that's what it's for

Copyright 2014
Archie Papa...