Sunday, December 20, 2015

This Passing Glance

Love knows the past
in memories clear
the greater the distance
the more love draws near

Through time with hope
a will to share
in the joy of its presence 
and the gifts it will bear

Peer into my soul
in this passing glance
here life will be music
and love be its dance

Text and Image
Copyright 2015
Archie Papa...

Rise Above

I am from the grace of love
the gift of life I hold
I bring the truth between the words
in each the stories told

I am light that carries hope
to shadow fear away
I glisten wonder from the stars
or sunshine on this day

I am bold and powerful
still fragile gifts I bear
with numbers yet to count the ways
our love was made to share

I am you and we are one
in each as born from love
these wings will hold the gift until
we're free to rise above

Text and Image
Copyright 2015
Archie Papa...